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3 Steps To Home Business Success

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3 Steps To Home Business Success
by: Dean Phillips
If you own a home business, there are 3 things you
absolutely, positively must have, if you want to be

1. You must have a guru or mentor:

If you aren't proficient in Internet marketing, website
design and copywiting--and most people aren't, do the smart
thing and seek out an Internet marketing expert to help you.
This can be a huge financial advantage for you, because 90
percent of those individuals coming online don't have a clue
what their doing. And instead of doing the smart thing and
seeking out an expert for help, they'll just struggle along
trying this and that and losing money, until they're finally
forced out of business.

2. You must have a back-up plan:

Not having a back-up plan for your home business is like
being stuck out in the desert with a flat tire and no spare.
You just aren't going anywhere. Sometimes, try as hard as we
might, our ideas just don't work and we have to scrap them.
That's why you should always have a back-up plan. Give your
home business every chance to succeed, but if you sense it's
not going to happen, don't be afraid to pull the plug on it
and move on to plan "B."

3. You must have relentless desire and determination:

This is the number one reason why most people don't
succeeed. They don't have relentless desire and
determination. I want you to commit the following words to

"Any success you achieve will be in direct proportion to
your desire and determination. The more desire and
determination you have, the greater will be your success!"

Here's another example to illustrate my point:

Most people think it's Kobe Bryant's amazing talent that
sets him apart from the other players in the NBA. And make
no mistake, his talent does play a significant role in his
success. But what really makes Kobe Bryant special is
his "relentless desire and determination." He just wants to
win more than everybody else.

That's the mindset you have to have. You have to want to
succeed with your home business more than anything else in
the world--anything!

And remember these words:

"Any success you achieve will be in direct proportion to
your desire and determination. The more desire and
determination you have, the greater will be your success!"

About the author:
Dean Phillips is an Internet marketing expert, writer,
publisher and entrepreneur. Questions? Comments? Dean can be
reached at mailto:

Visit his website at:

Circulated by Article Emporium

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